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Braid It Up.

There is a new hairstyle that is taking the streets and Hollywood by storm! The milk maid braid!  It is so practical but with a lot more style that celebrities and the fashion conscious out there have fallen in love and taken to it! It makes the wearer look utterly feminine and innocent at the same time.
The milkmaid braid is such a simple and fashionable way to style your hair without a lot of primping or over accessorizing to get the look right. It is the simplest of all braid hairstyles, as simple as wearing a pony tail.

The milkmaid braid can be worn in so many ways depending on the occasion and the look that the person is going for. It’s a little hard to pull off but when done right, it makes a statement. Remember that; the messier the braid, the better the outcome.

For all long hair owners out there, try it out and check out a few pictures of some more celebrities loving the braid.

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