Headbands. Headbands were reserved for kids, before Blair Waldorf. She singlehandedly made the headband popular for adults. She had a different one for every outfit and so did her girls.

Colorful Tights. The girls of Constance treated colorful tights as accessories often coordinating them with the aforementioned headbands. Suddenly, colorful tights were what one needed to top off an outfit.
Micro Hemlines. Whilst Blair Waldorf was prim and proper, Serena Van Der Woodsen had style that was totally her own often erring on the undressed side. She mastered the art of inappropriate cleavage baring and micro hemlines, which she showcased whenever possible.

Dandy Style. Chuck Bass had the most coveted and sophisticated male style on the show- suspenders, pea coats, seriously fancy socks, slim-fit dandy suits for days and a suave, slicked back ‘do. He always looked fresh off the GQ magazine pages.
Thick and Dark Eyeliner. Aside from the ratty hair extensions of Jenny Humphrey and her slow decline, dark eyeliner was the beginning of the end for Little J.

Gorgeous Gowns. Gossip Girl started off with Serena wearing a gold strapless gown to Cotillion. The beautiful gowns kept coming as Blair + Serena got cosy in couture.
Color. New York is known for its trade mark black but Gossip Girl gave it a breathe of fresh air with the rainbow of colourful outfits spotted by the show's characters.